Ready Reserve Civilian Army Established Via the Healthcare Bill




"We have to pass the bill so that we can find out what's in it"


Is this the the definition of a representative government? I thought that bills were to be read before passing? I guess it doesn't matter since they aren't required to have the same kind of healthcare that was shoved down The People's throats. The massive 2400+ page healthcare bill can be downloaded here. This will take a little time to download. At the bottom of page 1312 you will see the provisions embedded in the healthcare bill for the Ready Corps civilian army.  What does this have to do with healthcare? Isn't this the function of the National Guard?  Where were the Republicans to point these kinds of things out to the people? I will ask again.  Is this the definition of a representative government?


Correction: The Ready Corps portion of the healthcare was amended, not created.


The phrase “is amended” should have alerted readers that this section already exists in law — and actually has existed for over 60 years.  In 1964, Lyndon Johnson restructured the Ready Reserve Corps by executive order as a deployable response team reporting to the Surgeon General for disaster relief. Read more here.


Why does Obama say, "we got to have a civilian army" if it aleady exists? {jcomments on}

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