Canada Free Press

Canada Free Press-- An Independent Investigative Newspaper
  1. The UN General Assembly should take no comfort from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in “Legal Consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem” (“Territory”) which has failed to recognise the rights vested in the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in this Territory under articles 6 and 25 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - preserved by article 80 of the United Nations Charter.

  2. Kamala Harris is the new puppet for the far-left Democratic regime. Is she an inadequate clown who doesn’t deserve to be there? Of course she is, but the puppet out front doesn’t matter. What matters is the policies of the people pulling on her marionette strings.

    When elected, Trump will have a huge mess to clean up. Democratic policies have undermined and eroded the very moral fibre of the country. The left is unified in its destructive plans, so who they run only matters in how their ideas are presented.

  3. Easy Rider Starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper

    Say it ain't so. Not Harley Davidson. Not an American company that represented rebellious fun. Not an American company that constitutes toughness.

    We need to thank filmmaker Robby Starbuck, who put Harley-Davidson under the “go woke, go broke” microscope over their apparent “total commitment” to DEI policies.

  4. TALLAHASSEE, FL – Florida’s Amendment 4, which proposes to codify unrestricted abortion in the state’s constitution, is now slated to come with afinancial impact statement on the November ballot. The ballot will contain a brief, 150-word allotted warning about how it will likely cost the state a significant amount of taxpayer dollars. The warning states the amendment may require the state to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, invalidate parental consent laws, and negatively affect the growth of the Florida budget over time due to less people being born and due to litigation to resolve legal uncertainties.

  5. WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a record-breaking fourthaddress to a joint session of Congress surpassing Winston Churchill, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vigorously defended his nation’s fight in Gaza against Hamas terrorists and called for America and Israel to stand together against a common enemy – Iran.