Ever wonder?

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Everywhere you go, in one venue or another, the term cuts through the conversation like a dull knife. Instead of cutting cleanly and with an ability to cleave the matter properly, the Nanny State issue is a club being used to spread butter; and the butter’s sour.


A Nanny is a surrogate, a person chosen to care for, but is NOT responsible for the moral growth of the child. The parent is responsible. Too many people are entirely too ready to displace this accountability.


It’s easy to make a kid. We all know the procreative procedures. But, the aftermath (not the afterglow); the point where the enormity of the act sinks in and the responsibilities come to light, is where too many active participants in the “fun stuff” throw up their hands and run from their duty to guide and nurture the child soon delivered .


How can anybody, after that ovum is fertilized and taken root in the uterine wall; after creation’s spark arced and set aflame the reality of life, step aside and allow others to nurture and direct the growth of and send that resultant child down lie’s path without PARENTAL control?


A Nanny takes over what the parent improperly feels is too overwhelming a task: the care, growth, education and progress of a child’s growing world.


I’ve got two boys. One is twenty-seven; the other thirteen. Neither came with instruction manuals. Neither has a help-line with an 800 number accessibility 24/7. No “wonder-geek” in Mumbai answers my questions. My wife and I raised them. It’s been trial and error, hit and miss, on target and off on a tangent, but we stay in the battle. Sure, we had baby-sitters so we could work to support the kids, but NO foster parent invaded our space and NO Nanny controlled our children’s upbringing. It’s OUR job. Nobody’s going to change that either. I don’t want my boys learning and operating according to other people’s theoretical philosophies. I want them to learn my wife’s (and my) values. 


But people do walk away from their kids’ upbringing. They fret and stutter. They make excuses as to why they must foster the kid out. They compete to attract the best to care for the children in their absence. Later in life, parents wonder (when the child may be neurotic, psychotic, dysfunctional or at least distanced from the parent) why this could be. Why and how did this happen? Who’s to blame? We know the answer. It’s the parent wanting a “life of my own.”


Years ago I said Dr. Benjamin Spock (a self-proclaimed child rearing expert) got it wrong. Now I’d like to amend my statement. Dr. Spock’s theory was idiotic. His statement a child should be allowed to explore his world and find out what’s in it was stupid. That goes for everybody believing this inane premise to be true as well.


You leave a kid alone in a room by himself and he’s going to hurt himself in his explorations. Leave him in a room with other kids and he’s going to copy the behaviors, good or bad, of his peers. He needs parental guidance.


Leave the kid with an idiot having NO initiative to do the job with integrity, with NO goals and especially with NO loving intent to pass on the values and societal lessons necessary to move a lineage into the future and you’ll have a child failing to thrive as a person. That’s the legacy of neglect and displacement of responsibility when giving your child to a Nanny.


It’s dangerous to step away from our responsibility and accountability to raise our next generation according to OUR beliefs and standards of behavior and deportment. The dangers are evident when equated to our children. People do it with kids and we’ve done it with America.


How do you feel now that America’s turning into a Nanny State; and YOU’RE the child? The President and the Congress want to be your Nanny. Look at their track record and ask: do I really want these incompetent people directing MY life?


Ever wonder why your world is spinning out of control?


Thanks for listening

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