Rattling the doorknob

By Sarge


On the website LANEWSLINK.com, C. B. Forgotston (Syndicated Columnist) noted a Louisiana Legislator was having his (Forgotston’s) incoming e-mails deleted. With this we see why the Pew Research Center poll offers its findings as no more than an observation than a surprise. With the not-so-unsuspected revelation of Legislators believing themselves above the people who elected them, we understand why elements like the Tea Party Movement are gaining traction.


It’s a sad commentary when pollsters record a mere 22% of the people trust their federal government. That means almost 80% of the American people are disaffected with the treatment they receive by people they employ to conduct their governmental business.


It’s because of the distances involved, the actual mileage separating the government from the governed, that we see American’s distinct and growing disaffection with the clowns running the circus. They’re simply not funny anymore. Their face-paint is running from the heat being put on them. The citizens no longer accept the smoke and mirror illusions left behind by the last act to try thrilling us with made-up nonsense masquerading as real magic. It just doesn’t seem as entertaining as it once was.


Technology is a boon, or a curse, dependent upon where you stand at the moment. It’s a wonder-tool the average man uses daily to connect with aspects of his world he was rejected from by a lack of contact with the prime movers (politicians). Now we have Internet, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and myriad other examples of instantaneous cyber-communications capable of showing, in real-time (that means as it happens) exactly what a politician said, or did. It’s all time stamped and recordable. It’s Instant History. It can become the club used to beat the tar out of a liar or the wings lifting the innocent above the fray.


There will always be statements concerning the genesis of any problem. The Democrats say the Republicans are critical and without assistance in fixing mistakes made in the past. The Republicans claim the Democrats conducted their business in cloisters, away from the view of the public and the loyal opposition, and this caused the passage of legislation many people say they didn’t want.


Who’s lying?


Possibly they all are.


The video and the audio records tell the truth if they’re presented in full context and not through the selected lens of editorial filtration. Truth is the sole protection from accusations of libel and/or slander. Truth also is the liar’s poison and the antidote for misrepresentation and disingenuousness.


Legislators have come to think their stuff simply has no odor similar to that of mere humans. Their hubris smells worse than their discharge. They are supplied with the toys they need to play in the halls of the Capitol building. They are entitled to these perks because they are who they are. You don’t believe it? Ask them.


But I offer this caveat: folks, you don’t own these toys. The people who elected you own them. And because they own it, you don’t have the right to ignore ANY taxpayer. You have a responsibility to listen to the people whether they cast a vote for you; or not. He has the right to petition you, the government, for redress. You have the responsibility and the requirement to listen. You can disagree. You can debate. You even have the right to reject the premise offered. But you have NO RIGHT to ignore any citizen. You are paid by his taxes. You receive benefits from his financial support of his government and therefore you are beholden to him to hear his complaints and direction.


To do less is wrong. To do wrong is to be malfeasance. And to be malfeasant is against Federal and State law. Chew on that for awhile.


It’s acts like the one stated above make the PEW Research Poll understandable. It matters less than a nano-weight whether it’s a Democratic Party agenda or one authored by Republicans. Government is a closed club accustomed to keeping the riff-raff out. They left the back door unlocked.


And we now know how to turn the knob.


Thanks for listening

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