Tea Party of Louisiana Calls on Gov Jindal to remove Louisiana from all Common Core Initiatives & PARCC testing using every Executive power possible!!!

The Honorable Governor Bobby Jindal

P.O. Box 94004

Baton Rouge, LA   70804-9004 June 15, 2014


Dear Governor Jindal:


You have made it clear that you want Louisiana out of Common Core and PARCC. The Tea Party of Louisiana thanks you for taking that position & the first action step in vetoing HB 953, but now calls on you to put real action to your words and remove Louisiana from all Common Core Initiatives & PARCC testing using every Executive power available to you.  This is far too important to be politically correct so we will speak plainly and clearly why you and every conservative Governor should want to lead their state out of the Common Core Standards & PARCC tests.


We have been dealing with the slow creep of Socialist infiltration into our public school system for the last 6 to 7 decades.  During this time, there had been a real resistance by American Parents to believe that schools were changing from centers of education to federal indoctrination camps, but with the implementation of Common Core over these past few years by this lawless Obama administration and our very own complicit BESE, LDOE and the 2014 La Legislature parents are waking-up in increasing numbers everywhere in Louisiana and across this Nation!



It’s past time to wake up and smell the Socialism and the dismantling of our nation – Public (Government) schools have become 'Federal Indoctrination Camps' designed to erase our children's Judeo-Christian foundations, sexuality acceptance training, the rejection of our Constitutional Republic, and the rejection of parental influence and authority.  Now increasingly mandated is the rejection of knowledge mastery in favor of mental hygiene, consensus and acceptance training, global citizenship and the life-long surveillance of our children and us. The very foundation of every state is the education of its youth, and dare we forget what Adolph Hitler said, "Let me control the textbooks and I will control the nation."


As so accurately foreseen in the unanimously passed 12-01-2011 National Federation of Republican Women Resolution, “The national standards-based Common Core State Standards’ initiative is the centerpiece of the Obama’s Administration’s agenda to centralize education decisions at the federal level.”  And today, we are at that pivotal point of adopting (or not) the implementation tool for the final social re-engineering and mental re-shaping of Americans into non-Americans that will truly transform America forever. And this Centralized Federally controlled Common Core provides the final foundation for this political-corporate (or more plainly, Fascist) take-over and manipulation of knowledge and learning by our children. The schools would be the largest governmental organizations in America.



Yes, Common Core will fundamentally change the way we educate our children … and strip away the rights we parents and children have. It will be the “Crown Jewel” for the final part of the Communist takeover of America from within as stated in their 45 Goals published in 1958 in “The Naked Communist” - (#17.  Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.).  Can it be said anymore plainly or more explicitly?

The Tea Party of Louisiana echoes the cries of the tens-of-thousands of Louisiana moms and parents, and millions all across this Nation, for you to stand BOLD and to immediately extricate Louisiana from all aspects of the Common Core Initiative and PARCC testing.

Bob Reid, spokesman

Board of Directors Member

TEA Party of Louisiana, LLC