How Obama Deceived the American Churches
by John Adams
During the 2008 Presidential race, Barack Obama’s minders and spin-doctors were extremely diligent in erecting a protective firewall between their slick talking candidate and “all things Muslim”.
It was during this campaign Obama told his sycophantic media groupies that his Kenyan grandmother Mama Sarah Obama was a Christian and this miniscule fact was broadcast in the left wing media to allay all fears and gain favor with the Christian voters.
In November 2009 just ten months after Obama was enthroned in the White House, his Muslim grandmother, Mama Sarah Obama, made her Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca as a personal guest of King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia.
Surely the President would not intentionally deceive voters! Perhaps Mama Sara forgot to inform Barack that she had always been a Muslim or perhaps Obama simply muttered a terminological inexactitude or “misspoke”, which is the frequently used political jargon for “lied through his teeth”.
During the 2008 Presidential campaign Senator Obama also claimed the Christian label despite the fact that he had publicly slandered and mocked Christians, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount during a keynote speech at the DNC Call to Renewal Conference on June 28th 2006.
The Democratic Party produced the flyer below to convince the gullible Christian voters that Barack Obama was a “Committed Christian”. This mendacious fluff piece was a vote winner as it likened Obama to Moses leading us to the Promised Land and detailed his Christian conversion under the ministry of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. This was guaranteed to win a few more trusting Christian voters.
The patriotic stalwart Reverend Jeremiah Wright later stated “I Made It Comfortable” For Obama to accept Christianity without having to renounce Islam.
It’s time for America to wake up and realize that just like the Mama Obama deception, the President blatantly lied about his own “religious” affiliations.
In his own book, The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama revealed that as a Community Organizer in Chicago he joined Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ simply to obtain some spiritual “street cred”. Like many political aspirants in the past his whole purpose for attending a church was to ingratiate himself to Christian voters and enhance his political career.
Like Eve in the Garden of Eden, multitudes of America’s Pastors are beguiled and mesmerized by Obama’s crafted rhetoric but his contradictory actions speak far louder than his words.
The “Christian” Obama has orchestrated an unparalleled anti-Christian, pro-Muslim agenda and the following is just a sample:
- Obama refuses to host any National Day of Prayer events at the White House, but he does host lavish White House Iftar dinners in honor of Islam’s Ramadan.
- Obama’s Muslim advisers blocked Middle Eastern Christians’ access to the White House when they were pleading for help to prevent Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East.
- The Obama administration bowed in submission to Islam and apologized for Qurans being burned by the U. S. military, but when Bibles were burned by the military, numerous reasons were presented why it was the right thing to do.
- Franklin Graham the son of Evangelist Billy Graham was disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer Event because of his past remarks about Islam as an evil religion.
- Officials briefing U.S. Army soldiers stated that "Evangelical Christianity" and "Catholicism" were considered on par with Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas as examples of "religious extremism."
Obama’s countless hostile Christian actions defy belief and can be found in detail on David Barton’s Wall Builders
website: CLICK HERE
Lying and deceit are an integral part of Islamic doctrine as evidenced in the Arabic expression “Al Taqiyya” which means “dodging the threat”. This strategy justifies Muslims lying to non-Muslims for the purpose of self-preservation or to advance the cause of Islam as evidenced in the following Qur’anic verses:
Quran 5:89 Muslims can lie under Oath
Quran 16:106 It is lawful to deny the faith in time of persecution if the faith is still sincere in the heart.
Obama has a well-established track record for being a prolific and shrewd liar and as he was raised in Indonesia and has been surrounded with Muslim groups in America he would have been well exposed to the culture of al taqiyya or deception and deceitfulness which permeates Islamic cultures. He has polished this skill to perfection as evidenced by his unique talent in lying repeatedly to the American people without batting an eyelid.
Obama publicized his totally pro Muslim stance in his book the Audacity of Hope when describing the way Muslims were treated after 9/11, he said “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
The Arab Spring and resultant apocalyptic chaos unfolding in the Middle East bear testament that the political winds have indeed shifted in a very ugly direction. Obama’s past record has conclusively demonstrated his total commitment to the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda and his current deliberate lack of leadership in dealing with the ISIS group has allowed this group to metastasize.
What is at stake today is nothing less than the survival of our civilization!
On December 7th 1941 as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor left the U.S. Pacific fleet in smoldering ruins, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto declared "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve." America the sleeping giant was awakened and took just three years, eight months, and 22 days to beat Japan into total submission.
Today the slumbering giant that needs to awaken is the American churches as they have the capability to inform masses rapidly and to win any election in this nation.
It’s time for the Pastors and Church leaders to shake the scales from their eyes and cast aside the coward’s sanctuary of political correctness.
The greatest tragedy of this generation is not 911 ……it is a dead church in a dying world!
It’s time for Pastors to have some steel in their spine and to realize that in every generation there is a need for a David to slay the Goliaths.
It’s time for the Pastors to face the fact that the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and freedom of speech and despite the Ivy League liberal Professors who cry “separation of church and state” there is no such clause in the Constitution.
It’s time for the Pastors to face the fact that Obama’s actions are aggressively opposed to any form or shape of Christianity and it’s time for the Pastors to boldly confront the Obama administrations all-out war on Christianity and refuse to be shackled by fear of losing their IRS Section 501(c)(3) tax exemption status.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursues; but the righteous are bold as a lion.
The hypocritical Obama administration is aggressively trying to shut down any political discourse from the pulpits of America but on June 28th 2012 the First Lady Michelle Obama addressed the congregation 10,000 at the African Methodist Episcopal Church's General Conference in Nashville Tennessee. She boldly proclaimed in front of 10,000 witnesses “There is no better place than church to talk about political issues.” Michelle Obama called for the politicization of religion advising the listeners that President Obama has explicitly called for “congregation captains” to organize for his reelection.
Where was the ACLU crying “separation of Church and State?”
While many Pastors are content to avoid political involvement like a plague they would do well to consider that it was
Christians like William Wilberforce and Harriet Beecher Stowe who played the defining roles in the abolition of slavery in the British Empire and America. If those Christians had avoided the political arena there would still be millions of African Americans enslaved today.
America desperate need for this hour is for Pastors and Church leaders to stand up with holy boldness like the Prophets of old. America needs Pastors who will go in where angels fear to tread and take up the mantle to speak the whole truth without concealment or compromise. America needs Pastors who are not afraid to shake the applecart or rock the boat of religious apathy to wake up Christianity from its state of slumber.
America is crying out for firebrands like John Wesley, men who have prepared hearts and not prepared sermons. Such men who are not afraid throw aside all the lukewarm, high-minded, academic, politically correct religious philosophy and dead religious traditions of men.
Church leaders of such caliber who speak the truth with boldness are a weapon in the hand of God and were born for “such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)
© Copyright John Adams, Baton Rouge. USA 2014
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
- Hits: 2965
Aaron Carson Vaughn was a member of SEAL Team Six and among 33 who perished when a Chinook helicopter was gunned down in Afghanistan in 2011. On Labor Day Monday, following the horrific beheading of photojournalist, James Foley, by ISIS, Billy and Karen Vaughn, the parents who suffered the loss of their navy seal son, released a scathing letter to President Obama, urging him to resign for his blatant lack of leadership. The letter, in its entirety, appears following this article from The Daily Mail - CLICK HERE to Read
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
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Click Here to see video and/or read details!
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
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Would of, Could of, Should of……
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
- Hits: 2025