People who have failed so miserably should just resign
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Federal Bureaucracy
- Hits: 2227
The Ministry of Truth
The Department of Homeland Security led by Alejandro Mayorkas is in the process of setting up a Board of Misinformation. This was the topic of a Senate hearing. Senators Kennedy, Louisiana, and Hawley, Missouri, brought many to the problematic issues with the Board and, in particular, the person selected to head the board.
One of the problems which they did not address directly, but continually emphasized by Mayorkas, was that he had no information about the qualifications of the person they had selected even though he contended he was ultimately responsible. He then asserted that hiring practices was something that he would not discuss. From my perspective, the hiring practices should be transparent and if he does not know the details, he should have brought forward someone who does. This is blatantly an obfuscation that should have been challenged by all senators. He also would not commit to sharing the paper trail associated with her hiring.
Senator Hawley brings out the misinformation distributed by the newly appointed head of the board, Nina Jankowicz.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Federal Bureaucracy
- Hits: 1856
Corruption within the Voice of America and the Global Media Agency
Time and again the Democrats use government agencies to illegally influence elections. Domestically, they have misused the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the IRS. Carter does a great job of developing information about the rot in the federal bureaucracy. The corruption is not limited to within those agencies nor the borders of the US. In this video, she is able to bring to light the misuse of government dollars within the Voice of America to influence the US elections. You and I paid for a Joe Biden campaign ad directed at US Muslims in Michigan.
The rope-a-dope being played by the agencies with the help of the Democrat Senators delaying all of the presidential appointments has been effective in blocking meaningful changes. After using the Russia Hoax to steal the 2018 elections, the House investigations and harassment have added further delays. This highlights the need to re-elect President Trump to make a significant impact on these agencies, bringing them back to their original purpose.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Federal Bureaucracy
- Hits: 2330
Interview by John Hook of Attorney General Bill Barr
John Hook does a good job in this interview of asking fair questions and allowing Bill Barr to respond. Too bad the major news outlets can't emulate his approach. Fox10 is a good source of news without as much editorial commentary as on the national tv news.
Interview part 1
Interview part 2
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Federal Bureaucracy
- Hits: 1936