Mark Levin Highlights Problems with the Current Justice Department
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Justice
- Hits: 1556
Devin Nunes Discusses Results of Sussman Trial
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Justice
- Hits: 1514
The Tactics of the Department of Justice are In Serious Need of Review
This video from Project Veritas highlights many of the current practices of the DOJ that of major concern to a free society. It is difficult to know the degree to which the practices are from political bias and which are from the sense of righteous power that has developed within the DOJ in recent years. The use of SWAT Teams to enforce warrants in cases where there seems to be no justification and which historically would not have been employed is symptomatic of an organization that is trying to impose its WILL rather one that is seeking JUSTICE.
Congress and the Courts need to investigate the reasons for these changes and correct whatever legislation that has empowered the use of these tactics or highlight the over-reach of the DOJ beyond its legitimate role and bring the abuses under control.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Justice
- Hits: 1707
The Nick Slatten Story
In this interview by Sharyl Attkinson, the trials and tribulations of Nick Slatten at the hands of rogue prosecutors highlights some of the evils in our current justice system. The cause of the aggressive actions by the government is not clear, whether it be the "need" to win to advance careers or an animus towards Nick Slatten and others like him. The erosion of the ethics of prosecutors is an erosion in civil liberties for the nation.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Justice
- Hits: 1710
Justice Alito Speech to the Federalist Society
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Justice
- Hits: 2344