This common citizenry believes they know best what IS best for them: not Congressmen or Senators removed from the reality of life in middle-class America. These citizens deserve better than they get from the likes of the Representative from California. They deserve attention to be paid them. They deserve representation from the people they hire (elect) to provide that service. They deserve to be paid attention to. This concerns their goals and aspirations for generations to come. The importance of these concerns is without argument.


From what’s becoming apparent in many cases, TEA Party organizations aren’t Republican or Democratic Party oriented. They’re conservative in their approach to the governance of the country. They’re more strictly in alignment with the Constitutional construct of America. TEA Party activists expect a closer adherence to the dictates and principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights than is being directed by the Progressive Movement toward Big Government acting as Big Brother.


As governance moves away from the control of the people, government controls more and more of their lives. Individual liberty and freedom are drained away as the blood leaving the heart of a nation from the wound of a people neglecting the body’s care. The Patriot Act and the suspension of Habeas Corpus in any case are contrary to the TRUE spirit of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Constitution and Bill of Rights are the real protectors of men and their liberty. They are the reminders etched into the memory of this country’s history as men fought, sacrificed, died and gained immortality as champions of American Republican Democracy.


The TEA Parties are attempts of the citizenry of America to return to the foundational elements we defined through Revolution and Reconstruction. The end result of any discourse on American government is, and always has been, spoken in the true and personal voice of the people. It’s not understood in the oratory and deceptively honeyed tones of representatives taking it upon themselves to interpret and twist the meaning of the keystone elements defining this great nation. TEA Parties seem to be speaking to the heart and soul of America as opposed to the mechanics of government as it’s practiced in Washington.


And that doesn’t seem wrong.


Thanks for listening