Out of Darkness

By Sarge


Darkness by virtue of its existence leads to enlightenment. One can’t exist without the appreciation of the other. Mishe Mehtug-Nipmuck Sachem Wanabe


We live in a world of crystalline perceptions. Things are clear and precise in one plane and diffused and stellar from another angle of attack. It’s to be appreciated when a person offers to help others to better themselves and progress in a manner never before thought of or attempted. But there are always pitfalls to any endeavor; pitfalls such as the tiny strings attached that stabilize one element while endangering another with the tensions of their attachment. Clouds billowing before the rush of high altitude wind currents conceal the tornado lurking, waiting to form. A majestic river flows and courses serenely before the torrent of a storm increases its volume beyond containment. The beauty of the Cobra belies the power of its venom. One apparent beauty conceals the greater tragedy.


In this nation we have a political action taking place. Over a hundred years ago we turned our back on an estate on which a man could be forced to live without choice. American slavery ceased to be.


Now, to our shame we’re engendering a new form of slavery, a benign format of servitude requiring the willingness and culpability of the enslaved to accept the sovereignty of the master. It’s the Progressive encroachment of government taking dominion over a nation. It’s a moral, emotional, mentally selfish form of enslavement. It’s one we’ve refused to recognize since the beginning of the twentieth century. And the masters want us to thank them for the chains.


How nice of you to reach out to lift the darkness from my shaded eyes, to pull the existential weight of ignorance blanketing me. How kind of you to share the overwhelming brilliance of your vaunted and accumulated learning and knowledge to kill the ignorance and lack of substance you see me suffering from. Thank you helping me round the edges and corners of my supposed obtuseness.


The new Klan: the Kennedys, the Kerrys and the Klintons and all the Progressive politicians claim they want to “share” the wealth with those having less. Who decided they alone choose who have less? Who are they, by their definition only, to decide the meaning of my economic situation? Why is it they must always define more by their elevated status? They denote their superiority by placement of others into a position of their definition of inferiority?


How nice to see the image of the hand reaching down to lift me from darkness. How blessed the touch, the hand encircling mine while lifting me above my insufficiency. How gentle the grasp, the warmth of the perceived embrace pulling me from the quagmire of my own lack as a human so I may find that which you say I should aspire to in life. It’s defined for me. It’s evident in your presentation of the offering: I’m less, but for the efforts and acceptance of your offering I can approach being more than what I am. You can lift me from the darkness of my pale, shadowed existence and remove the stigma of my darkling past. You alone can elevate me to a plain of grandeur where the crop I harvest was planted by the beneficence of your past gleanings. I’m expected to kiss the hand that’s done so much for me in the past as I move into the future, better, stronger, so much more elevated from what I was.


But, no matter what I do, I’ll never be equal. I’ll never be alike. I’ll be “nouveau riche”. I’ll always be a “wannabe”; a “never was”, the recipient of your largesse and charity mask your dismissive egotism. But still, how magnanimous of you to lift me, a simple “darkie” into the light; absolving me of the original sin staining me because I’m less than you in your eyes.


At one time “better” was defined by race, by social class, by presumed stature in the social hierarchy of the moment. Now, we’ve progressed beyond the obvious to appreciate a different spectrum, a different complexion to the problem. We grade by education, by supposed expertise, by the prospect of elevated knowledge and understanding. Your facts and knowledge always prevail. Mine are forever insufficient and thus, suspect.


But, we fail to understand the gemstone humanity is. Its faceting allows for numerous ways to see into the inner workings of our lives. We reject the effort necessary to fully delve into our complexities as a people and as individuals solely on your terms.


Yet we must always remember somebody can use our selfishness against us to keep us under their thumb.


Now, we’re pushing back.


Thanks for listening

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