Get Them the Hell Out Of There

By Todd Trahan


There is ample evidence to come to a rightful and just conclusion that a large majority of our elected officials in Washington are not only un-Patriotic but un- American as well. What is Patriotic about sinking this country and its following generations into a debt that may never be able to be paid, most of it to a Communist Country? What is American about politicians that sit in DC and conduct themselves so irresponsibly that we scratch our heads in utter wonderment as we watch them spend more taxpayer dollars on another earmark or pet project? The unconstitutionality of the current set of politicians from the White House on down is unprecedented in our history as a nation. One could certainly point to incompetence. One could also rest his judgment on a purposeful agenda that is designed to have America depart from her constitutional roots. The list could go on and on.


In the movie “Saving Private Ryan” we see the Chief of Staff of the Army- General George Marshall and 3 Advisors in an office as Marshall informs the others about the fate of a family. Three brothers have been killed and there is only one left alive – they hope. Marshall informs the Advisors of his desire to go and find the 4th son and bring him back home so his mother will not lose all of her sons. The Advisors start to speak of how difficult it may be to accomplish this task.


The Chief of Staff goes behind his desk and pulls out a letter and reads it. It is from Abraham Lincoln and it is addressed to a mother, Mrs. Bixby of Boston, who had lost 3 sons in the Civil War. You hear then President Lincoln express his inadequate words of consolation to a mother who had lost so much for the cause of freedom. Marshall then looks up at these men and says these words. “If that boy's alive, we’re gonna send someone to find him - and we’re gonna get him the hell out of there.”


Might I suggest that our country is still alive? She may not be for much longer and it may be difficult to “find” her again. I know this; if we do not bring this fiasco that is going on in DC to an end then she will surely die. How do we find her? We educate ourselves through studying the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights so that we can discern un-American behavior when we see it. We learn more about the Founding Fathers by reading their words and seeing through the eyes of factual history their actions. We join and support organizations like the Tea Party Associations through out the state and country.


Might I also suggest that we “go” to Washington D.C.? I am not talking about physically going to our nation’s capitol. I am referring to the privilege and necessity to vote for Patriots in these upcoming elections where they can be found. So let us “go” to Washington and get these un-Patriotic, un- American Politicians “the hell out of there.”