Middle Peace Accords between UAE, Bahrain, and Israel
The peace accords signed today are historic and the ceremony was fun to watch. Two major take-aways for me were the length of time dedicated to the task and the changes he made to the American diplomatic role. President Trump had the conference with 50 islamic nations in Saudi Arabia in May 2017. It was there that he laid out the basis for a new future prosperity for all the attendees. Since then, he freed the US from dependence on Middle Eastern oil, taking away any threat that oil could be used to influence American policy. He elevated the position of Isreal by moving the embassy to Jerusalem and strenthened Israel's bargaining power by returning their control over decisions about the future of the West Bank and the Golan Heights. This approach removed the previous State Department's say over what Israel was allowed to do and removed the "peace veto" of the Palestinians. His team, then, was in a position to facilitate the discussions between the parties in the region to find ways achieve economic benefits for themselves.
President Trump has repeatedly made strategic moves to advance his foreign and domestic policies, while the press, the opposition, and some of his own administration, like Secretary of State Tillerson, fail to grasp the significance. The underlying theme seems to me to bring parties to work together on improving the welfare of their constituents/citizens.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
- Hits: 280
Interview by John Hook of Attorney General Bill Barr
John Hook does a good job in this interview of asking fair questions and allowing Bill Barr to respond. Too bad the major news outlets can't emulate his approach. Fox10 is a good source of news without as much editorial commentary as on the national tv news.
Interview part 1
Interview part 2
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Federal Bureaucracy
- Hits: 1936
China Since the Communist Revolution
This is a video of a Hillsdale College presentation by Frank Dikötter. This presentation is worth listening to as we find some in the US trying to aliy themselves with Communist Philosophy. The techniques to achieve Mao's goals, described in the video, bring to mind some of the modern techniques used by those today who wish to bring transformation to the US. Obviously, the ability to employ tyranical techniques in the US are much more limited; however, the similarities are evident (cancel culture, sessions inside our instutions to promote the idea of toxic masculinity or white privilege requiring attendees to confess their failings, marching through businesses requiring people to kneel or raise fists). It needs to stop. There are better ways to improve our society that respects all our rights.
The West, in general, and the US, in particular have had the delusion that China if accepted into the structures of the West, would modify its behavior and become a reliable tradig partner and ally. Dikötter describes the perceived changes in China as something like a "Potemkin Village". The outward apearance has changed but internally it is the same rigid government controlled structure. This part of the video is worth digesting. If you are wondering about who is the best president to handle our affairs with China, this segment will give a better foundation for considering the candidates.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Education Video
- Hits: 3331
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