DeAnna Price Demolishes US Hammer Throw Record to Qualify for the Tokyo Olympics
This achievement by DeAnna Price is amazing. Probably as amazing is that on many websites and the political news, a pampered third place finisher tried to steal the limelight by complaining about the playing of the National Anthem at the same time as the award ceremony. Hope you enjoy the video.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Journalism and the Media
- Hits: 1438
Fauci and COVID -19
It is often true that the facts about any significant event may be obscured by the bias of the media covering the event and the secrecy of those involved. So with Covid-19, it seemed likely that the facts would be slowly found and released by investigative efforts of those interested in the facts and not by those at the center of the episode. This report begins to unwrap some of the information.
False information is still being presented as truth to obfuscate some of the details. An early report is that a moratorium on funding "gain of function" research instituted in 2014 was lifted in early 2017 (suggesting and reported by some that the lifting was by the Trump administration) but the moratorium was, in fact, lifted on January 9, 2017, before President Trump took office.
So keep you attention on the news coming out and be careful not to be fooled by those who wish to control the narrative for their own political purposes.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Presidency
- Hits: 492
A Message From Medal of Honor Recipient, Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez
His message about the American Flag
Heroic Actions for which Sergeant Benavidez was awarded the Medal of Honor
Benavidez, Roy Vietnam War from Medal of Honor Society on Vimeo.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 1707
President Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address
In these times where the current president is hardly coherent and seems oblivious to the needs of most Americans, you might enjoy listening to Pesident Reagan's farewell address. The total speech is just over 20 minutes long and worth listening to as a whole. I wanted to highlight a segment in which he warns Americans of the future if we fail to pass on to our children our love of country. Many didn't heed his words and we are living through times which were predictable even then.
President Reagan's Warning
President Reagan's Full Farewell Address
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 1683
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